Friday, February 7, 2014

Helpful Tip Friday

Image from HoneyBearLane

Painting Veneers and Laminate

ve-neer: thin layers of superior wood bonded together and attached to a surface of something in order to make it look better
lam-i-nate: to cover something with a thin layer of clear plastic for protection

In today’s market, these terms are integral with furniture.  Don’t be afraid of these terms or fear poor quality.  Veneers themselves are quite strong and durable, but if the bond is damaged, then understandable the veneer will separate from the surface it is adhered to.  Laminate is a cost effective way to offer a finished, protected, product.  DIY projects with furniture that are veneered or laminated can be rehabilitated to beautiful and new once again.  Try out these tips for a successful DIY project:

          Make sure to lightly sand the surface for a smooth finish when complete.

          After cleaning away any sanding dust and dirt, use a deglosser.

          Next, it is time to prime.  Make sure to use an oil based primer and that it is given
          proper time to cure.

          After enough time, comes the paint.  Using a sprayer can help give a nice, even
          coat.  Make sure that it is thin.  It is always better to do several thin coats, then to
          do thick coats that dry unevenly.

          Once all painting is complete, and completely cured, seal it with poly or wax.

Beautiful DIY pieces are waiting for you, don’t be afraid of veneers!

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