Friday, April 11, 2014

Helpful Tip Friday

Defeating Clutter

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Clutter becomes that unwanted house guest you can't get rid of.

        This really can be the biggest problem to cleaning.  According to FlyLady, clutter is CHAOS, it can't be organized!  This Spring, lets commit to stopping clutter with these simple tips:
1. Identify Problem Areas
     Do you ever say, "I'm going to clean the Living Room today!"  Then, BAM, there's that one spot that when you walk in the room, it just pulls you down, kills your mood?
     "Hot Spots" ( are dumping grounds where you things tend to build up, such as a table by the front door, a certain counter in the kitchen, etc.  Learning where these spots occur and how to fight them can help keep your home from being overrun.

2. Develop a "Do it Now" Mentality
A lot of the time, clutter doesn't accumulate from a one time mess, it is a pattern of, "I'll clean it up later".
     Retrain yourself to do it now! David Allen, "Getting Things Done", suggests taking the time to make a decision in the moment and not setting stuff aside for later.  Also, cleaning up after ourselves the first time means we don't have to force ourselves to come back later to take care of a mess.

3. Pencil It In
Give yourself some deadlines or schedules.  It gives you a goal to work towards and helps keep you on track.
     This works for the big stuff and big goals or projects, but also for the day to day stuff.  Schedule a morning routine for getting out the door in the morning, difficult with or without kids, and a routine for at night.  This, aside from making sure you've carved out enough time for a relaxing shower and getting the dishes done, gives a great head start for the next day.  Its easier to get going in the morning when you  already have your clothes ready and lunch packed.

4. Habits, Habits, Habits
Rome wasn't de-cluttered in a day you know.
     Habits to keep our lives free of clutter will take time, won't always b executed perfectly, and will change as our lives change.  Keep working on training yourself to "do it now" and set routines.

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