Friday, March 21, 2014

Helpful Tip Friday

Cleaning Exterior Windows

 Ah!  Spring is in the air!  Mostly, anyways.  Sure, some places in the country are still slogging around in snow boots but a gentler, fresher breeze is coming in.  Its time to start spring cleaning, where we get rid of all the grime of winter and let the sun shine in!  Here some tips to help you brighten up!

 1. Scrub
     Scrub windows with a bucket of warm water that has just a squirt of liquid dish soap.  Use a strip applicator or a natural sponge to scrub and loosen dirt without scratching the glass.  A strip applicator is best for picture windows and the sponge is best suited for multi pane windows.

2. Squeegee
     For picture windows, start with squeegee at the top and pull down in an S pattern.  For multi pane windows you'll need to cut down your squeegee, or find a small one that fits, to approximately 1/4" shorter than the width of an individual pane.  Pull straight down from top to bottom.  No matter which type of window, wipe the squeegee after every swipe, to prevent streaking.

3. Dry
     Use a chamois to remove any remaining water from edges.

4. Stubborn Stains
     Hard water or mineral stines leave their mark on your glass.  For the stubborn ones, try wetter the glass and gently scrubbing with No. 000 steel wool.  Another option is a window cleansing powder with oxalic acid.

Image and Tips from

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